donderdag 1 oktober 2015


In this blog I will tell you about the states who grow peanuts in the USA and the different types. 

Seven states account for approximately 99% of all peanuts grown in the U.S. Georgia (41%) grows the major proportion of all peanuts followed by Texas (24%), Alabama (10%), North Carolina (9%), Florida (6%), Virginia (5%), and Oklahoma (5%). There are approximately 25,000 peanut farmers in the major producing regions.

There are four types of different peanuts; Runner, Virginia, Spanish and Valencia. The four types differ in size and flavor. 

Virginias account for most of the peanuts roasted and eaten as inshells. When shelled, the larger kernels are sold as salted peanuts. Virginias are grown mainly in southeastern Virginia and northeastern North Carolina and West Texas. Virginia-type peanuts account for about 15% of total U.S. production.
Runners have become the dominant peanut type grown in the U.S. Runners have gained wide acceptance because of their attractive kernel size range; a high proportion of runners are used for peanut butter. Runners, grown mainly in Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Texas and Oklahoma, account for 80% of total U.S. production.
Valencias usually have three or more small kernels to a pod. They are very sweet peanuts and are usually roasted and sold in the shell. Because of the greater demand for other varieties, Valencias account for less than 1% of U.S. production and are grown mainly in New Mexico.
Spanish-type peanuts have smaller kernels covered with a reddish-brown skin. They are used predominantly in peanut candy and are used for salted nuts and peanut butter. They have higher oil content than the other types of peanuts which is advantageous when crushing for oil. They are grown in Oklahoma and Texas. Spanish-type peanuts account for 4% of U.S. production.

If you would like to taste the different varieties; you can buy all the peanuts in supermarkets, organic markets or just in a nut shop! Enjoy!

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