dinsdag 22 december 2015


The ideal PH of soil for peanut growth is between 6.0 and 6.5. This means that the ground were the peanuts grow best in is slightly acidic. The plant grows best in a clay-like ground. However, the clay will turn the peanut dark and that is not what the consumer wants. To satisfy the consumers need, the peanuts are mostly grown in light, sandy soil. The peanut will grow in light, sandy soil, but the crop yield will not be quite as high as in darker clay.
The firtilizer the peanut plant needs (if you want to make use of it), is the same fertilizer that is used for corn, cowpeas and cotton. The only recuirement a peanut plant has is that there should be enough lime in the ground.
As mentioned in one of the blogs, the plant is quite flexible with the amount of water it needs.

The peanut plant is autotrophic and makes use of photosynthesis. This means that the plant takes carbondioxide from the air, water from the ground and energy from the sunlight to make oxygen and glucose.

Water is drawn up the tree through the xylem to the leaves, where the photosythesis takes place. The glucose is transported down to the plant from the leaves. Once the glucose enters the phloem, some being used to sustain the plant and other for storage.
glucose is used to provide energy for the new seeds. The peanut is full of proteins and nutrients. This allows the new seeds to grow for themselves and start the photosynthesis process. However, most of the seeds will not get the change to do so, because they are harvested and sold.

A peanut plant, switches between the haploid and deploid stages during its life. A haploid cell has half the normal number of chromosomes. A diploid cell has a full set of chromosomes.

Peanuts are self-pollinating plants. They do not need help from other insects to carry pollen for example.
After the seed is planted, the first flowers begin to appear. This will take around four to six weeks. When the leaves are growing and become older, it drops closer to the ground. This is because when it is tome to pollinate, the ovary is close to the ground an makes it easier for insertion of the subterranean pod.
When it is time to start pollinating, one flower opens and releases its pollen. The fertilization of the seeds takes place bewteern eight and nine hours after the pollen is released. Eight to fourteen days after fertilization occurs, the ovary elongates into a peg. It is driven vertically into the ground and in the ground in turns horizontal. The peg matures into a pod and, after seven to nine weeks, it becomes a peanut.

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