zondag 10 januari 2016


The Peanut plant is a dicot plant. 

The picture above shows and explains why the peanut plant is a dicot. It shows when a plant is dicot and how you can see that.   

All dicot plants have a taproot root system. 
In the case of a peanut plant, it is a bit harder to see. This is because of the fact that the fruits of the plant are grown under the ground. Because of this, the roots look a bit messier, 
The plant has a taproot system, below the big taproots there are smaller roots. 

This picture also shows the anatomy of the plant and how the plant looks like. The plant is around 60 cm tall and is a annual plant. This means that the plant completes its life cycle in one year. 
The peanut plant has an ‘indeterminate’ flowering habit, meaning that it continues flowering over its entire vegetative life cycle of over 100 days. 
The most important and special part of the peanut plant is that the fruits grow under the ground as you can see. 
This is special, because almost all fruits grow above the ground.

After the fruits are picked from the plant and the plant dies. You just need a peanut, take it out of the shelf and put it in the ground and a new plant can grow again.

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