maandag 11 januari 2016


As I mentioned before, peanut plants are annual. However, there are also perrenial varieties available. Annual peanuts are ready to harvest about 120 to 140 days after planting.
Both of the varieties need at least 6 hours of sun each day.

Snapshot: planting peanuts
This part will give some facts about the perfect conditions of the peanut plant.
Planting depth: about 7.5 to 12.5 cm
Spacing in rows: about 18 cm
Germination soil temperature: 15.5 to 21 degrees C
Days to germination: 10 to 14 days
Preferred soil PH: 5.5 to 7.0
Growing soil temperature: 18 to 29 degrees C

Snapshot: Storing peanuts & freezing peanuts
Storage temperatue: 10 to 15.5 degrees C
Humidity: 60 to 65% relative humidity
Storage life (unfrozen in above conditions): 2 months
Storage life (frozen): 3 years
Seed longevity: about 3 years

Some plants can be planted next to each other to help each other out. In some cases it can help to keep the nitrogen level good, but it can also be for the support of the plant.
Peanut plant can be planted next to these other companion plants:
- Beets, - Cabbage family, - Carrots, - Celeriac, - Celery, - Corn, - Cucumbers, - Eggplant, - Lettuce, - Marigold, - Pea, - Potato, - Radish, - Rosemary, - Strawberry, - Savory, - Tansy.
Some plants do not have an adventage if you plant them next to each other. The peanut plant should avoid: - Basil, - Fennel, - Kohlrabi and the - Onion.

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